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2023 World Coastal Forum Conference Handbook     
2023 World Coastal Forum Conference Handbook 
2023/9/23 9:40:00
盐城市“十四五”世界自然遗产 可持续发展战略规划    
“十四五”时期,是盐城市深入贯彻党的十九大和十九届 历次全会精神,全面落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思 想,特别是习近平总书记对江苏工作重要讲话指示精神,深入 践行“争当表率、争做示范、走在前列”新使命新要求,勇当 沿海地区高质量发展排头兵,奋力谱写“强富美高”新篇章的 重要时期。同时,也是开启全面建设社会主义现代化新征程、 坚持“三市”战略、坚定“两海两绿”路径、推进“四新盐 城……
2023/9/14 16:00:00
2023/8/25 10:57:00
湿地是大自然对盐城最深情的馈赠,在湿地资源日益重要的今天, 盐城始终坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,坚定不 移推进城市发展和湿地保护深度融合。继盐城黄海湿地成功列入世界 遗产名录之后,2022年11月,盐城正式获颁“国际湿地城市”荣誉,又 添一张耀眼的国际生态名片,至此成为全国唯一拥有 2 处国际重要 湿地、1 处世界自然遗产和获得“国际湿地城市”认证的地级市。同时, 盐城积极推动成……
2023/8/24 8:33:00
Global biodiversity conservation looks forward to opening a new chapter    
The Seventh World Conference on nature conservation ended in Marseille, France, on the 10th. The World Conservation Union updated the red list of endangered species during the conference, aiming to ma……
2021/9/16 10:23:00
2020 Yellow & Bohai Sea Coastal Wetlands Symposium Statement of Outcome    
 Dec 16th, 2020 Yancheng, China Background2020 Yellow & Bohai Sea Coastal Wetlands Symposium, the 4th annual Yancheng international symposium, was held on 16th December 20……
2021/1/1 10:21:00
2019 Yancheng Consensus    
Sep 30th, 2019  Yancheng, ChinaOn July 5, 2019, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, at its 43rd session, decided to inscribe the nominated “Migratory Bird Sanctuaries along the Coast of the……
2020/1/1 10:19:00
2018 Yancheng statement    
Honorable President Zhang, IUCN president, Yuan DAI, Party Secretary of CPC Yancheng Municipal Party Committee,Lubao CAO,Acting Mayor of Yancheng Municipal People’s Government,dear delegates from Peop……
2019/1/1 10:17:00
2017 Yancheng Declaration    
The Yancheng International Symposium on the Conservation and Management of the Intertidal Wetlands of the Yellow and Bohai Seas, was held from 13 to 14 December 13-14, 2017 in the Dongj……
2018/1/1 8:15:00
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